The aim of the Association shall be to contribute to the development of Plastic Surgery, to foster Members education and training, to furnish the best scientific information for the general public on all the topics related to the different aspects of the specialty. This is the mission which motivates the activities of the SICPRE.
Regarding the development of Plastic Surgery the engagement of SICPRE is always looking to encourage innovation in the clinical field as well as in the research, within the specialty of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
In pursuit of its promotional and continuous education objectives, SICPRE runs a range of activities, largely for plastic surgeon members, with the aim of furnishing an annual CME training program, prepares guidelines to regulate diagnosis and treatment, promotes clinical trials in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Regions, Teaching Hospitals and other potential public Healthcare Institutions.
In September 2012, to accomplish the desire of improving Aesthetic Surgery, it was established the SICPRE Chapter on Aesthetic Surgery. In harmony with the mission of the Society, the Chapter holds scientific meetings, runs University, Hospital and/or Privately based training courses, organizes stages among institutions and/or plastic surgeons in private practice, and maintains relationships with major International Societies.
Finally, SICPRE provides data for the final consumer, offering the most complete, objective and understandable information with its website. The section for the public is a resource on a range of plastic surgery procedures, with their related descriptions and videos, so as to transmit in a clear and immediate way the latest news on techniques, results and safety.
SICPRE is a non-profit organization and has no financial interest.

©2025 SICPRE - Società Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva - rigenerativa ed Estetica. Viale Pasteur, 65 00144 ROMA C.F. 97052470586

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